In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Society of History
Volume 12 (2024)
Volume 11 (2023)
Volume 10 (2022)
Volume 9 (2021)
Volume 8 (2020)
Volume 7 (2019)
Volume 6 (2018)
Volume 5 (2017)
Volume 4 (2016)
Volume 3 (2015)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2013)
Staudy and Analysis of Ilmokri Endeavors in the Relations and Political Developments of the Afshari and Zandi Periods (1148-1210 AH

moslem solimaniyan; zoleikha amini

Volume 9, issue18 , September 2021, , Pages 95-110

  In the twelfth century AH, Ilmokri was the most important tribe in the Savojbolagh region. Geographical location, social structure and high population power allowed Mokri tribe to play an important role in the political and social developments of Savojbolagh and its surrounding region. The endeavors ...  Read More